Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Assalamu Alikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!
(May Allah's peace and Mearcy Be Upon You),

Dear Brothers and sisters in Islam below is the list of few GRAVE SINS which have been severly warned against in Qur'an and hadith . So We should try our utmost to keep away from them and advise our relatives and friends for the same inorder to save ourselves from the wrath of our Lord in this world as well as in the next.
1.To assign partners to Allah (SHIRK)
2.To kill any one unjustly or without proper cause.
3.Practicing of witchcraft and charms by childless women during the confinementof any other woman so that the child of that woman may die and she may have child. This amounts to murder.
4.To tease the parents.
5.To indulge in adultery.
6.To missappropriate the property of orphans or others or to deprive the daughters of their share in the legacy.
7.To accuse any woman of adultery even on slightest doubt.
8.To oppress or speak ill of someone and to backbite.
9.To lose faith in Allah and be disappointedof his Mercy and Blessings.
10.Not to fulfil a promise or to missappropriate a trust.
11.To abundon intentionally any of the duties enjoined by Allah, such as Salah (Namaz), Saum (Fast in the Month of Ramadhan), Hajj (Pilligrimage to Makkah), Zakkah (A share of your wealth for the upliftment of the poor people of society). To forget the Holy Qur'an after memorising it.
12.To tell a lie and to take a false oath.
13.To swear by name of someone other than Allah.
14.To swear in such words as he or she be deprived of Kalima at the time of death or may die without Iman (Faith in oneness of Allah)
15.To offer Sajda (prostration) before anyone other than Allah.
16.To miss Salah without legitimate cause.
17.To call a Muslim a nonbeliever or dishonest.
18.To call Allah's curse on any one.
19.To call any one enemy of Allah.
20.To complain against anyone or to hear such complaint.
21.To steal or commit theft or to abuse.
22.To indulge in usury- taking or giving money on interest.
23.To express joy on dearness of food-grains.
24.To compell on lowering the price after setting the bargain.
25.To sit in seclusion with prohibited persons of the opposite sex.
26.To gamble or to take part in games of chance. Some persons play certain games with stakes. This is also gambling.
27.To like and appreciate the customs of infidels.
28.To find fault with food or with other persons.
29.To enjoy music and dance.
30.To drink wine and other intoxicating drugs.
31.Not to advise others inspite of being in a position to do so.
32.To redicule others with a view to humiliate them.

Source: "BAHISHTI ZEWAR (HEAVENLY ORNAMENTS), Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rah) Tr. By Dr. Abida Quansar"

May Allmighty Allah give us the strength to keep away from all those things and tasks which drag us away from the Right path and bestow us the honor of doing all good deeds which please Him and bridge the gap between us and our Beloved Allah and His Beloved Messenger, Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alihi Wasallam. Ameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen.